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My most recent posts:
Here’s How to Boost Virtual Student Engagement
In order for learning to happen, students must be engaged. Engaging students during instruction can be a challenge, even for the best teacher. This is especially true during virtual learning. But there are ways to engage students during distance learning. Megan, a 15-year veteran, is here to share four ways she’s found to keep her students motivated and excited about their learning even while learning virtually.
How to Improve Virtual Student Accountability
Holding students accountable for assigned work can be difficult, especially during distance learning. Virtual teachers spend a great deal of time every week tracking down students who miss class meetings, fail to turn in assignments, or submit incomplete work.
Sarah Huler is a virtual 4th grade teacher in North Carolina. After being frustrated with students’ lack of accountability during distance learning, she decided to create her own solution. Because so many of you are experiencing the same frustration, I’ve asked her to share her solution with you today.
Do You Need Help with Virtual Behavior Management?
Just like in a brick and mortar classroom, all teachers need to set behavior expectations for students while teaching virtually. This might seem overwhelming at first, but several teachers have found ways to manage the transition from face-to-face instruction to distance learning.
Kayla, a third grade teacher from North Carolina, has found one system that works well for both in person instruction and virtual learning. Today she’s sharing with you her best tip for online classroom management
How to Engage Families in Distance Learning
Engaging students’ families during distance learning can be a challenge. Various work schedules, learning systems, and means of communication can make it difficult to connect with parents and guardians. However, there are a few simple ways to encourage family involvement even while teaching virtually.
I’ve invited Emily Levine, a third grade teacher, to share her ways of boosting parent involvement during distance learning. As always, I encourage you to choose one that works best for you and your particular students.
Support Struggling Students with Powerful Mentor Meetings
Building personal connections is one of the most important components of being a successful teacher. When students know you care, they are more apt to listen to and learn from you. This is especially true for students who are struggling. Mentor Meetings is one classroom management strategy that really works. Partnering students with adults who care is a great way to encourage, build trust, and extend a student’s community. |
Ten Powerful Children's Books that Teach Kids to Be Kind
Ten Children’s Books that Teach Kids to be Kind | When teaching character skills, it’s often helpful to start with a children’s book. To support my monthly thankful for kindness writing, I compiled a list of popular children’s books that are perfect mentor texts. These are the best children’s books I’ve found for kindness. | #childrensbooks #kindness #kindnessmatters #kindnessbooks #upperelementary
One Simple Exercise for Teaching Students to be Thankful
One Simple Exercise for Teaching Students to be Thankful | November and the holiday of Thanksgiving provide the perfect opportunity for sneaking in lessons about thankfulness. This simple exercise will kickstart a process that you can repeat all year long. Post includes free printable.
Character Education: Free Resources for Improving Your Classroom Environment
Now more than ever, our students are in desperate need of lessons about character. Students need a better understanding of themselves as people, how to respect others who are different, how to advocate for oneself and others, and simply what it means to be a positive member of a community. To help you get started, here are five of my go-to sites for quality character education materials on social justice, social emotional learning, education equity, and more.