Planning Jennifer Martinez Planning Jennifer Martinez

How to End the Year on a Positive Note

You made it to the end of the school year with your students. Let’s make sure it ends on a positive note. I have five tips and activities for the end of the year that are easy to implement, involve little to no prep, and will put smiles on the faces of you and your students.

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English Language Arts, Planning Jennifer Martinez English Language Arts, Planning Jennifer Martinez

How to Avoid the Summer Slide

Students have worked hard this year. They are ready for a break. You are, too. However, you know how important it is to encourage your students to practice their skills over the summer to prevent losing some of what you all worked so hard to achieve this year.

The challenge becomes finding work for your students to do that offers practice and reinforcement, but that they’ll actually enjoy doing. I’ve got you covered. Read on to learn how.

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Planning Jennifer Martinez Planning Jennifer Martinez

End of Year Gifts Students, Volunteers, and Staff Will Love

The end of a school year means many things to a teacher. Endless to-do lists, fitting in final lessons and projects with your students, getting your classroom summer vacation-ready. The end of the year also means thank you gifts.

As teachers, we’re on the receiving end of gifts of appreciation from our students and families. We also want to give gifts to those who walked alongside us throughout the year. Especially this year.

Stressed about finding just-right gifts that are within your budget? Don’t be. I have suggestions and resources to help.

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Organization Jennifer Martinez Organization Jennifer Martinez

Classroom Organization Tips for an Easy End of the Year

Classroom Organization Tips for an Easy End of the Year | Closing up shop at the end of the school year can be time consuming and a bit overwhelming. However, following a few organization tips several weeks in advance can dramatically reduce and ease your workload. Here are six steps for classroom organization at the end of the year and a free printable tool to help keep you on track. |

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