English Language Arts Jennifer Martinez English Language Arts Jennifer Martinez

Four Tips for Successful Literature Circles in Upper Elementary Classroom

I'm always hearing from teachers looking for ways to get their students engaged and excited about reading. It seems to be an all-too-common trend that kids love the reading life, and then it just sort of starts to fizzle out.

Sound familiar?

If you're looking for a simple way to get your classroom excited about reading, Literature Circles are calling your name!

Literature Circles are a great way to expose your students to different genres of books, differentiate instruction, and let them talk about what they are reading. Using Literature Circles in my classroom was a game changer for me.

When you first introduce this type of group work, it can be overwhelming to have multiple groups reading different texts. So I’m sharing four tips for launching Literature Circles successfully in your Upper Elementary classroom to help alleviate some of that overwhelm.

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English Language Arts Jennifer Martinez English Language Arts Jennifer Martinez

The Benefits of Book Clubs and Literature Circles in the Classroom

As reading teachers, one of our biggest goals is to instill a love of reading in our students while building comprehension skills. One of the best ways to accomplish both is by utilizing strategies such as Literature Circles or Book Clubs. While many people use the terms synonymously, they’re actually quite different. Which strategy is best for your Upper Elementary students? Let’s take a look at both.

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