Do you need more than just a blog post?
Find professional development support for ELA Upper Elementary teachers including courses, workshops, coaching - all from the comforts of your own home.
On Demand, Virtual Courses
Professional Development courses for third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grade teachers.
Learn Systems That Work™ to simplify and streamline your teaching workload and maintain a work-life balance.
linked Conference
The annual linked Upper Elementary Teachers Conference provides affordable, virtual training for practicing 3rd-6th grade teachers around the world.
Sessions focus on topics important to ELA teachers such as content area instruction, classroom management and environment, ABAR, SEL, lesson planning, and organization.
Virtual Workshops
No time for a complete course? Take a workshop instead.
Bite-size PD for teaching language arts, lesson planning, organizing, and simplifying your job.
Individual & Group Coaching
Have a specific need and want to work with me individually?
We can tackle anything related to ELA, organization, or planning.
Sign up for the waitlist and be notified when an opening is available. We’ll make a plan designed especially for you.