Do You Need Help with Virtual Behavior Management?

Just like in a brick and mortar classroom, all teachers need to set behavior expectations for students while teaching virtually. This might seem overwhelming at first, but several teachers have found ways to manage the transition from face-to-face instruction to distance learning.

Kayla, a third grade teacher from North Carolina, has found one system that works well for both in person instruction and virtual learning. Today she’s sharing with you her best tip for online classroom management.

Online classroom management tools

Nobody knew that when Covid-19 hit us in March of 2020, that we would still be dealing with its effects. But here we are, making the most of what we have. When it comes to teaching virtually, behavior management can be a challenge, so I’m here to help by teaching you about the system that worked the best for me.

How to use class dojo for virtual behavior management

If you are anything like me, you aren’t jumping on the Class Dojo train! I thought, “who has time to give points all day to students??” But it wasn’t until my school decided to make it our building wide communication platform for families that I HAD to give it a try!

If you have never used Class Dojo, now is the time to start. Not only is it a great way to communicate with families, but they also have a system that allows you to give points to students for various things. It's FREE and EASY and has an APP for your phone! Here are a few tips to get started.

Tip For Setting Up Your Class Dojo

Each student can be added to your class. You can add parent contact information so that families can see how their students are doing each day. Don’t worry, if you don't want to use it as a communication tool for families, then you don’t have to add the contacts.

virtual learning behavior expectations

Ways to Use Class Dojo Points

Class Dojo puts their own point ideas in as a default, but you can add your own or change the default. You can also add different point values for certain items. For example, I like giving extra points to students that help others and even more points for working hard!

Here are a few ways I currently give extra points:

  • Working extra hard - 5 points. This may be for completing all assignments early or on time and/or having good thoughtful answers on an assignment. It can be used to motivate others to do the same.

  • Being on time - 1 point. As you are letting students into your virtual class via Zoom, Google Meet™, or other platform, you can give them a quick point when they are on time. This adds up quickly!

  • Participation - 1 point. Each time a student raises their hand to answer a question, they get a point. This really helps with motivating students to participate.

  • Helping others - 2 points. I love it when students help students with tech problems, so I reward them for it!

I’m not saying you should sit and give your students points all day long, but I am saying that you should try it out. Of course you could keep track of points another way, but honestly, this way is the most effective I’ve found.

online classroom management tools

Student Rewards for Dojo Points

Individual Rewards

Once students have earned enough points, they can redeem them for special rewards and treats (about every other week)! You can change these to fit the needs of your students and grade level, but my students helped me create our list. Our list includes:

20-25 points: Show & Tell, dress up/hat day, change your virtual name for a day, treasure chest, or candy bar of their choice. As for the treasure box options, I keep a box of small toys and goodies for students to choose from, and then put them in a bag and leave in the office for parents to pick up later.

30 points: Pick a book to share with the class or free choice for 20 minutes.

50 points: Share your pet (stuffed or alive - the kids love this one!!!) or choose a stuffed animal for a study buddy.

100 points: Drive by visit from your teacher!! This may take them a bit to earn but I have over half of my class trying for this!

Whole Class Rewards

In my class we fill a virtual jar with marbles. Our first goal was 15 marbles. Before we reach our goal, we voted on a whole class reward (movie, extra specials, extra recess, etc.) Things that the whole class can earn a marble for include: good behavior during specials, hard work from every student, all students on time for the day, following directions, etc.

How to Redeem Class Dojo Points

There is a way to redeem points so you don’t have to reset them each time. You can do this on the app or the desktop version. Simply click on the student who is redeeming the points, click profile, then click redeem and select the number of points they are redeeming. That amount will be deducted from their total.

Bio information

My name is Kayla and I am a third grade teacher in Alamance County, NC. I’m originally from Seattle, WA, but moved here to attend college. I have been married to my wonderful husband for eight years and we have an 8-year old, red-headed, son in second grade! We also have two rescue pups at home who are also red heads (2 years old and 8 months old).

virtual learning behavior expectations

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online classroom management tools


How to Support Your ELLs in Distance Learning


How to Engage Families in Distance Learning