How to Get Organized Now and Reap the Benefits Later

Join me for a blog series on organization.

Each week I'll teach you different ways organization can simplify your work life and help bring balance.

Learn how to organize daily schedules and routines; teaching resources, and classroom supplies; and how to use best practices for lesson planning.

Series includes guide sheets to help you organize it all. 

Classroom Organizing Tricks

June is here and school is out for many. With summer comes a bit more freedom - schedules are flexible, we sleep in a little later, and some of us revert to our night owl ways.

While I hope summer brings you rest and relaxation, I also would encourage you to use this "free" time to plan, organize, and filter so that next school year, and every year after, becomes a bit easier.

You'll thank yourself later for doing a little grunt work now.

This summer, I'll begin a new blog series on organization. It's full of tips for simplifying your life and making your job as a teacher manageable.

For too many teachers, there is rarely a distinction between work life and personal life. Planning, grading, and emailing all spill into the hours that should be reserved for family and rest. Social invites with family and friends are rejected because you simply don't feel you have the time or because you're just too tired. 

It's time to reclaim what we've lost.

This seven-part series focuses on topics important to us all - planning, grading, utilizing help, and of course, organizing.  If you'd like to be notified of new posts, be sure to sign up for the newsletter

Newsletter subscribers receive access to The Treasury, which contains all of my exclusive, free resources. You'll also receive updates on resources, blog posts, and other important news. 

Currently, The Treasury contains printables that accompany the upcoming summer series, seasonal informational texts with activities for students, inspirational prints, and more.

Click the image or here to subscribe

UPDATE: Here’s the link to the first post



If you feel like these posts are a great start to making positive changes, but find yourself needing more support to follow through - you’re not alone. Blog posts are a great tool for identifying key problem areas and then providing simple solutions, but they can’t walk you through a step-by-step process to get the work done.

Fortunately, I have the solution that can.

I created Organized Just So™ just for teachers like you who are searching for a way to get organized and stay organized for good.

And it’s not just about getting all your “stuff” organized, but managing your time and reducing your workload too.

It’s about creating and implementing systems that make your job easier, so you work less and have more time for what matters most to you. Click here to learn more.

Click the image below to save these ideas for later…

Classroom Organizing Tricks


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